Figure out how much cash you'll need each week for your regular, cash-based purchases ( things like lunch at the cafeteria and your daily cup of coffee), head on over to the bank teller's window, and get your walking-around money for the week. 你要算出每个月满足正常生活需要所花的现金数目(像在自助餐厅吃的午饭,你每天要喝的咖啡),接着径直走到银行柜台,取出你这一星期所需要的零花钱。
It's an unambiguous positive for household demand, said Neil Dutta, head of economics at Renaissance Macro Research. People will have more money to spend. RenaissanceMacro经济学家NeilDutta称这对于国内需求来说是一个明确的积极的消息,人们将会有更多可以用来消费的钱。
And then, with the noise of the crowded street still blaring in their ears, they noticed every head within 20 feet turn and look to see if the money that had tinkled on the pavement was theirs. 然后,在熙熙攘攘的马路上噪音依然不绝于耳的情况下,他们看到在二十英尺范围内的每个人都回过头来,看看掉在路面丁当响着的钱是不是他们的。
Of course you watched last week as, you know, the executives went in front of Congress head in hand and asking for money. 当然,你看到了,上周,汽车行业领导们手牵手地来到国会要求贷款。
"Being single and having money was like standing six feet four with a full head of hair," he says, implicitly acknowledging that money compensated for the absence of the other two characteristics. 韦尔奇(JackWelch)在自传中谈及他第一次离婚后的生活时说:“单身而且有钱,就像是身高六英尺四而且头发浓密,”言下之意就是承认,金钱弥补了他的秃顶和个子矮。
What I cannot wrap my head around, is how China will be lending money out to it's European friends, while watching its own citizens suffer. 我不明白的一点就是,中国为什么在自己的公民受罪的时候还要给欧洲借钱呢?
He hang his head when the teacher discover that he have steal the money. 当老师发现他偷了钱时,他满脸羞愧。
I then shook my head off and said: "No, No, how can I spend your money since I have owed a lot to you." 我不停地摇头:“不,不要,我怎能拿你的钱,我已欠你很多了。”
Poor old Tom went off his head, spent all his money in six months and ended up begging in the streets. 可怜的老汤姆发疯了,6个月便花光了所有的钱,最终流落街头乞讨为生。
Up Scrooge went, not caring a fig for its being dark, Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it. The head of the criminal syndicate used money to take care of his followers 'brawls. 史克罗奇往上走着,对于黑毫不在意。黑暗总是不用花钱的,史克罗奇爱不花钱的东西。
You can join play money tables right away or make a deposit and head to the action of the real money tables. 您可以直接加入赌金桌或者先存入金钱后再到赌金桌。
My head aches for want of sleep. be hard pressed/ pushed for money 我因为睡眠不足而头痛。缺少足够的钱,手头拮据
The head of the Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, said the money was needed in part to pay salaries in eastern Libya. 过渡国民委员会负责人穆斯塔法•阿卜杜勒•加里尔(MustafaAbdel-Jalil)称,这笔资金部分需要用于支付利比亚东部的薪水。
The chairman stood the decision on its head by showing that far from saving money, it would cost more. The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money salted away by Mr Sam Benton for years had been lost. 主席提出与决定完全相反的意见,指出这不仅不会节省钱,反而会花更多的钱。全村人很快都知道了萨姆·本顿先生节省了几年的一大笔钱丢失了。
Ben must be off his head if he thinks dad'll give him the money to buy a motorbike. 如果本恩认为爸爸会出钱给他买摩托车,那他真是昏了头了。
Big Head: If you don't use real money, not one of you will continue to live! 大头:如果不把真钱送去,你们三个一个也活不了!
Inflation might once again rear its head if households lose confidence in the authorities 'efforts to manage money. 如果家庭对政府管理资金的做法丧失信心,通胀有可能会再度抬头。
"It's a Ponzi scheme whose head is the central bank, and it can print money," says Victor Shih, a China expert at Northwestern University. “这是央行牵头的旁氏骗局,钞票由此而生。”西北大学的中国研究专家维克托希亚说道。
The idea is that tourists won't just take their photos next to the bunkers, they'll also head inside and spend money. 他们的想法是:游客不只是在掩体边上合影留念,他们也会走到掩体里面消费。
According to Edwin rood, global head of money markets at ABN AMRO, there have been frequent contacts between ECB and big market participants on the liquidity situation in the market. 荷兰银行(abnamro)全球货币市场主管埃德温路德(edwinrood)称,就市场的流动性状况问题,欧洲央行和一些大型市场参与者之间一直联系频繁。
No one was located or charged for the head injuries inflicted on the Pakistani man withdrawing money from the bank. 没有人所在地或者对巴基斯坦银行的钱退出男子头部受伤造成的费用。
And once average income exceeds about$ 20000 per head, more money does not guarantee greater happiness. 而且,一旦人均收入超过大约2万美元,更多的钱并不能保证更多的幸福。
Before marriage head period it is the money that you make, your money still is after that leaves. 婚前的首期是你交的钱,那离后还是你的钱。
Some have also experimented with limited capital controls in a parallel attempt to head off the flow of hot money. 一些国家还试行了有限的资本管制措施,试图阻止热钱流动。
He stood the argument on its head, saying that the plan wouldn't save money but would in fact cost more. 他把这个论点倒过来推理,说该项计划非但不能省钱,反而会增加开销。
He takes a vow, a Nazarite vow, he shaves his head, he donates money which goes to the temple for sacrifices, and he himself goes to the temple to worship. 他发了誓,拿撒勒式的誓,剃掉头发,他将钱捐给圣殿用作祭祀,他自己则到圣殿礼拜。
The head office will give the order to withdraw that money. 总部会下命令撤回那些钱。
We'll shoot him and head back with the money. 我们会杀了他,然后带着钱回去。
By reforming levying methods of tea, salt and wine, he increased the financial income greatly and ensured huge military supplies for Sichuan armies without increasing land tax and head money. 在不增加地税和户税的情况下,赵开通过改革茶法、盐法、酒法,大大增加了财政收入,保障了四川防区庞大的军需供给。
Application of semiconductor magnetic head in money detector 半导体磁头在袖珍验钞器中的应用